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Achieving Success in Software Development with BDD and Gherkin: Mastering User Stories, Scenarios, and Collaboration


In the realm of software development, clear communication, alignment, and effective implementation are vital to success. By adopting Behavior Driven Development (BDD) and harnessing the power of the Gherkin language, teams can achieve these goals. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the best practices for creating User Stories and Gherkin scenarios, highlight the essential aspects of collaboration, and demonstrate the impact of this approach on software development.

User Stories: Bridging the Gap Between Users and Development

User Stories act as a bridge between end-users and the development team, ensuring their needs and expectations are effectively captured.

How to write User Stories?

User Story Examples:

  • As a user, I want to be able to create a new account so that I can access exclusive features and personalized content.
  • As an administrator, I want to be able to manage user permissions so that I can control access to sensitive information.
  • As a customer, I want to be able to add products to my shopping cart and proceed to checkout so that I can easily make purchases.
  • As a student, I want to be able to search for courses by keywords and filter the results by category, price, and rating so that I can find relevant and suitable courses.

User Stories focus on the role, intention, and benefit.

What are common pitfalls to avoid when crafting User Stories


  • Use a structured format: Follow the standard template - “As a [role], I want [goal/intention], so that [benefit/outcome]” - to clearly express the user’s perspective, intention, and desired outcome.
  • Keep them concise: Focus on the core functionality or feature, making the User Stories easily understandable and free from unnecessary details.
  • Make them independent: Each User Story should stand alone and deliver value to the user, avoiding unnecessary dependencies.


  • Write vague or ambiguous User Stories that lack a clear goal or fail to convey the user’s benefit.
  • Include excessive technical details or get too granular in User Stories, as they can lead to confusion and make it harder to prioritize and estimate.
  • Create User Stories that rely on completion of other stories or introduce unnecessary interdependencies, which can lead to delays and complexity.

Gherkin Scenarios: Concretizing User Stories

Gherkin scenarios provide a concrete representation of the expected behavior outlined in User Stories.

How to write Gherkin scenarios?

Gherkin Scenario Examples:

Scenario: User Registration
  • Given the user is on the registration page
  • When they enter their name, email, and password
  • And click on the “Register” button
  • Then a new account should be created
  • And the user should receive a confirmation email
Scenario: Updating User Permissions
  • Given the administrator is logged into the system
  • And navigates to the user management page
  • When they select a user and modify their permissions
  • And click on the “Save” button
  • Then the user’s permissions should be updated accordingly
Scenario: Adding Products to the Shopping Cart
  • Given the customer is browsing the product catalog
  • When they click on the “Add to Cart” button for a specific product
  • Then the product should be added to their shopping cart
  • And the cart total should be updated to reflect the added product
Scenario: Searching for Courses
  • Given the student is on the course search page
  • When they enter keywords in the search bar
  • And apply filters for category, price, and rating
  • Then the search results should display relevant courses based on the provided criteria

Gherkin scenarios provide a structured format (Given, When, Then) to describe the expected behavior.

To effectively concretize requirements, it’s essential to follow best practices while avoiding common pitfalls:


  • Use clear and concise language: Write Gherkin scenarios in simple, accessible language that is understood by both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
  • Follow the Given-When-Then structure: Ensure each Gherkin scenario includes a clear Given section for initial context, a precise When section for the action or event, and an explicit Then section for the expected outcome or result.
  • Focus on concrete examples: Use specific examples and data in Gherkin scenarios to illustrate the expected behavior, enabling stakeholders to visualize the intended functionality and facilitate accurate testing.


  • Overcomplicate Gherkin scenarios with technical language or convoluted descriptions that hinder comprehension and collaboration.
  • Neglect any of the three essential components (Given, When, Then) in a Gherkin scenario, as they provide the necessary structure for effective testing and understanding.
  • Rely solely on abstract or generic statements in Gherkin scenarios, as they can lead to ambiguity and difficulty in verifying the desired behavior.

Collaboration through “Three Amigos”: Fostering Alignment and Refinement

In the world of software development, collaboration is key to ensuring a shared understanding and aligning team members towards a common goal. One effective technique that promotes collaboration and refines User Stories and Gherkin scenarios is known as “Three Amigos.”

Imagine a room filled with diverse individuals: the Product Owner, the developer, and the tester. They gather around a table, each bringing their unique expertise and perspective. Their mission is to refine User Stories and craft well-defined Gherkin scenarios.

The Product Owner takes the lead, presenting a User Story to the group. They explain the user’s needs, goals, and desired outcomes. As the others listen attentively, the developer and tester ask questions, seeking clarification and uncovering potential edge cases.

The discussion is lively, with ideas flowing freely. The developer suggests technical considerations and challenges, while the tester highlights potential scenarios that need to be accounted for. The Product Owner ensures that the story’s intent remains clear and aligned with the overall product vision.

Together, they dive into the details, collaboratively shaping the Gherkin scenarios. They visualize concrete examples, discussing the specific actions, conditions, and expected outcomes. As they refine each scenario, they strive for clarity, simplicity, and precision.

Through this interactive process, the “Three Amigos” workshop not only aligns perspectives and clarifies requirements but also unearths potential gaps and challenges early on. It sets the stage for creating comprehensive and well-defined User Stories and Gherkin scenarios.

Over time, as the team becomes more familiar with the project and their roles, the need for the “Three Amigos” workshop may diminish. The collaborative spirit and shared understanding permeate their interactions, allowing the Product Owner or the tester to create scenarios independently. However, the initial investment in collaborative refinement ensures a strong foundation and a collective understanding of the project’s goals.

By embracing the “Three Amigos” approach, teams can harness the power of collaboration, leverage diverse expertise, and refine User Stories and Gherkin scenarios more effectively. This collaborative effort not only enhances the accuracy and completeness of the requirements but also strengthens the team’s bond and their commitment to delivering high-quality software solutions.

Benefits of BDD and Gherkin: Enriching Software Development

In the realm of software development, the adoption of Behavior Driven Development (BDD) and the implementation of Gherkin scenarios bring forth a multitude of advantages. Let’s delve into the benefits that these practices offer to development teams:

Improved communication and clarity:

One of the primary advantages of BDD and Gherkin is their ability to enhance communication and foster clarity within a project. By utilizing a standardized language and structured format, teams can effectively convey and understand user requirements. The clear and concise nature of User Stories written in the BDD format ensures that everyone involved, from stakeholders to developers, has a shared understanding of the desired outcomes. Gherkin scenarios further solidify this communication by providing concrete examples that vividly illustrate the expected behavior of the software. The result is a reduction in misunderstandings and a higher level of alignment among team members.

Enhanced collaboration:

Collaboration lies at the heart of successful software development, and BDD and Gherkin provide a framework that encourages collaboration and teamwork. The “Three Amigos” workshops serve as a platform for cross-functional collaboration, where representatives from different roles, such as the Product Owner, developers, and testers, come together to refine User Stories and craft Gherkin scenarios. This collaborative approach allows for a diverse range of perspectives to be considered, ensuring that all facets of the software requirements are thoroughly examined. Through active participation and open discussions, potential gaps or ambiguities in the User Stories and Gherkin scenarios can be identified and resolved early on. As a result, the final product benefits from the collective wisdom and expertise of the team.

Higher quality software:

The ultimate goal of any software development endeavor is to deliver high-quality products that meet user expectations. BDD and Gherkin contribute to this objective by facilitating the development of software that accurately fulfills user requirements. The process of translating User Stories into Gherkin scenarios serves as a validation mechanism, ensuring that the expected behavior of the software is well-defined and testable. These scenarios become the foundation for both manual and automated testing, enabling teams to validate the software’s functionality and ensure that it aligns with the desired outcomes outlined in the User Stories. By identifying and addressing potential issues early in the development cycle, teams can minimize rework, improve overall quality, and enhance user satisfaction.


By mastering the art of creating effective User Stories, crafting precise Gherkin scenarios, and fostering collaboration, software development teams can unlock their full potential. The synergy between BDD and Gherkin empowers teams to achieve clear communication, precise implementation, and successful project outcomes. Embracing best practices in User Story and Gherkin scenario creation sets the foundation for efficient software development processes, ultimately leading to improved productivity, enhanced customer satisfaction, and successful project delivery.

~ Thanks for reading ~


By Alban Leandri

I am an engineer and technology enthusiast working as a digital product manager in the online privacy industry. I write to disseminate my expertise and share what I consider the best practices in the fields of digital product development, online marketing, and related subjects. :)

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